Passing Through

One man's musings as he journeys through life!

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Location: Universal City, Texas, United States

Retired and married to a wonderful woman for over 45 years. Served in the United States Air Force for 31 years; living four years in France and eight years in Germany. Worked as a licensed Realtor for 15 years. Blessed beyond all expectations! Blessed with an aging Maine Coon cat named "Miss Kitty".

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

I'm Back

Dear Faithful Readers.   I took a two and one half months sabbatical as I had many things going on.  I expect to find myself in the same boat mid-September through mid-October. 

One thing I did during the Spring sabbatical was to go on a two and one half days "Opus Dei" silent retreat which I may write about in the future.

I'm happy to be back!



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