Passing Through

One man's musings as he journeys through life!

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Location: Universal City, Texas, United States

Retired and married to a wonderful woman for over 45 years. Served in the United States Air Force for 31 years; living four years in France and eight years in Germany. Worked as a licensed Realtor for 15 years. Blessed beyond all expectations! Blessed with an aging Maine Coon cat named "Miss Kitty".

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

We Have A Pope!

The following is a reprint (slightly edited) of a reflection I recently e-mailed to my "Family & Friends".

As I say "Adieu" to our retired Pope Emeritus Benedict, I am happy and optimistic with the choice of our new pope, Pope Francis I, though the name is strange when hearing it in French as they have been referring to him as "Francois Premier" (Ier).  Francis Ier was a rather free spirited French king who ushered in the Renaissance in France.  His life was quite different from Saint Francis of Assisi.

The new pope chose the name Francis after Saint Francis of Assisi.  This may seem strange for a pope of the Jesuit Order (more correctly the Order of the Society of Jesus).  He did explain to the international press core on Saturday, March 16th the reasons he chose Saint Francis, i.e., Saint Francis' love of poverty and the poor, his love of nature and the current condition of our environment and mission of peace.  What some may not know is that there are at least two Jesuits who are canonized saints named Francis, Saints Francis Xavier and Francis Borgia.  Both of these men are extraordinary saints.  Saint Francis Xavier (1506-1552) following the leadership of Saint Ignatius of Loyola along with four other men founded the Order of the Society of Jesus in Paris, France.  He is recognized as one of the greatest missionaries of the Catholic Church.  Saint Francis Borgia (1510-1572) of the famous or infamous Borgia family.  He was born into wealth and power.  He married and after his wife died he recognized his call to the priesthood in the Jesuit order.  Receiving permission from Saint Ignatius top enter the order as a widower with children, after making arrangement ts for his children, he entered the order in 1546.  He went on to receive his doctorate and subsequently became the  third "Father General"-leader-of the Jesuit order to which he  contributed greatly.  He is seen by some as the second founder of the Jesuit order.

Jesuits are known for their role in education, the arts and scientific research--many planets were discovered by Jesuit astronomers and they are therefore named after therm.  Jesuits are often found associating with people in prestigious positions; yet they personally take the vow of poverty and live modest lives.  Based on this fact I am not surprised that Pope Francis I is recognized for his love of the poor and the underprivileged.  One of our parish priests noted that Pope Francis while he was the Archbishop of Buenos Aires frequently offered Mass "under tents" in the slums of the city welcoming the forgotten and the unwelcome, e.g. street prostitutes and drug addicts.  I have a slogan which I stumbled upon about a year or two ago which could describe Pope Francis:  "In the world, for the world; but not of the world".

I am very pleased and as I wrote above optimistic learning of the man the Cardinals have elected to be The Holy Father for The Church.  I am filled with hope.



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