Passing Through

One man's musings as he journeys through life!

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Location: Universal City, Texas, United States

Retired and married to a wonderful woman for over 45 years. Served in the United States Air Force for 31 years; living four years in France and eight years in Germany. Worked as a licensed Realtor for 15 years. Blessed beyond all expectations! Blessed with an aging Maine Coon cat named "Miss Kitty".

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Out of the Desert

As with many people, as I reflect in my life I realize how many years I wandered in the desert of life--as our ancestors of Faith wandered in search of The Promised Land.

Though I was baptized and remained a Catholic my entire life; for many years I was what is often referred to as a cafeteria Catholic--one who picked and chose how to practice one's Faith. Throughout those years I received numerous "pricks" from God but for the most part I remained unmoved. God finally hit me with a 2 X 4 in the early 1990's and ever since my relationship with Him and His Church has continued to grow. That is not to say that I haven't experienced moments of darkness but to this point they have passed followed by a greater brightness. God created us, thinking reasoning beings and though we are believers of God and followers of Jesus through a gift of Faith; God wants us to use our reasoning powers as God is the essence of Logic.

There are moments in my life when I experience an overwhelming sense of gratefulness for the love of God, a love I do not deserve. One of these moments occurred two weeks ago while as Mass when all I could respond was quietly saying "Thank You, God". My response must have been evident as the woman kneeling next to me touched me on my arm and asked "Are you okay?" I answered, "Yes I'm okay, I'm just easily moved."

Though I'm still wandering through my journey of life, I am so thankful that I am not alone; I'm out of the desert journeying with God's large community of saints, with God providing life support.



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