Passing Through

One man's musings as he journeys through life!

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Location: Universal City, Texas, United States

Retired and married to a wonderful woman for over 45 years. Served in the United States Air Force for 31 years; living four years in France and eight years in Germany. Worked as a licensed Realtor for 15 years. Blessed beyond all expectations! Blessed with an aging Maine Coon cat named "Miss Kitty".

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

"Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid."

Aren't these words of our Lord; "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid." (Matthew 14:27) really encouraging? Here we have the apostles in a boat that is being tossed about in turbulent waters, fearing the possibility of drowning and seeing what appeared to be a ghost approaching them--very likely they saw this as a omen of their pending demise. But no, the image they saw was not a ghost, it was Jesus.

There were times in my life when I felt that everything was going wrong or there was no way out of a given predicament--that I was drowning in the situation--and I heard these comforting words; "Don't give up, I am here, do not fear." And yes, everything did work out. I know these comforting words were not of a ghost; I know God wants to talk to me/assure me if only I listen.

I pray that I learn that prayer is a conversation, which means I need to be a better listener--after all God has a lot more to say than I and what He has to say is of much greater value.

God who is Love so wants to share Himself with us if only we'd let Him.



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